McClure Middle School

Middle School
Student Family Portal


McClure Counseling Office

Want to Learn About Middle School Dances?

Are you familiar with This American Life, a weekly radio program on NPR? Recently, This American Life repeated a broadcast from last year. This episode takes you into the sometimes awkward, confusing, and hormonally charged world of the middle school dance. The episode also covers a teacher who transforms peer pressure into a force for good, and reports from the frontlines of the middle school dance. Hear the Dance Episode

Family Support Resources

Below is a sample of many resources that are available to families.  If you would like a copy of a more comprehensive list of supports, please contact your child’s grade level counselor.  Contact information is on the Counseling and Nursing Services page.

2-1-1 Washington Information Network
9725 3rd Avenue NE, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98109
Phone: Dial 2-1-1
Information for health and human services

Public service helping ensure students have a safe and constructive on‐line experience.​

The interrelatedness of data, belonging to minors,  and the navigation to ensure privacy and security

OSPI School Safety Center
Addresses a variety of issues such as bullying, internet safety, and substance abuse prevention. Helps schools develop comprehensive safe school plans.

Safe Schools Coalition
Safe Schools Coalition c/o Rosehedge, 11401 East Jefferson Street, Suite 401 Seattle, WA 98122
24-hour sexual assault hotline: 877-723-3723 or message line at 206-451-7233
Support services for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
transgender youth. Aims to reduce bias‐based bullying and violence in schools and to help makes schools a safer place.

Stop Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying prevention program that helps youth address issues of cyberbullying and how to prevent it.

200 Independence Ave SW, Washington D.C. 20201
Information regarding what is bullying, who is at risk, how to prevent/repond, where to get help. This site can be useful to parents, educators, community members, and students.

The Internet & Your Child (IYC)
The Internet and Your Child, PO Box 5386, Kent, WA 98064
Provides parents and caregivers with internet safety course covering topics of related to Internet safety.

The Northwest Network
P.O. Box 18436, Seattle, WA 98118
Supports the safety of bisexual, transgender, lesbian and gay survivors of abuse. Provides both education and advocacy.