SPS Sexual Harassment Prevention Lessons
SPS Sexual Harassment Prevention Lessons
Starting on April 29 and May 6, Advisory Teachers will begin teaching the SPS Sexual Harassment Prevention lessons. This series of two advisory-length lessons address recognizing sexual harassment, the effects of experiencing sexual harassment, how to prevent sexual harassment, and what students should do if they witness or experience sexual harassment. Each lesson in this series includes a list of resources that can be accessed at school or in the community.
Families are the primary influence in a child’s life and are their most important educators. Learn more about talking with your child about sexual harassment, access resources, or report a sexual assault.
If you have individual questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact McClure’s Counseling Team, Ms. Pillers kjpillers@seattleschools.org or Ms. Collings lmcollings@seattleschools.org.