Family Newsletter 9/6/2024

Family Newsletter 9/6/2024
Welcome Back to School!
Hello Mavericks!
We had an amazing start to the school year! Thank you for your support, patience and sending your awesome students to McClure. We felt lots of positive energy from students in our Assembly this morning. Thank you to the McClure PTSA for the providing a staff lunch during our professional development sessions last week and an espresso cart this week!
Your child may have noticed large class sizes this week. We are aware of this situation and have been working to alleviate this. Several factors have contributed to large classes at McClure this year including lower enrollment predictions for McClure, reduced staffing, and a district-wide budget crisis. We hope that staffing will be returned to McClure and are communicating with McClure’s Executive Director and the District Enrollment office who will be monitoring student counts during the start of the school year. It is important that your student attends school or is marked absent. If you know your child will be absent at any time, please message us at If your child will not attend McClure this year, please message Lisa Blau at
Some Important Info:
PTSA Back to School Bash
Rain or Shine – The Back to School Bash is Thursday, September 19 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the McClure courtyard (or the gym if rainy). This is a PTA sponsored event for all McClure families to celebrate the beginning of the school year, make connections, and learn more about McClure’s school events and PTA volunteer opportunities. Food trucks will be available across the street at the Queen Anne Farmers Market to purchase dinner. We will have games, prizes and a McClure Maverick’s merchandise table.
Sign up for the PTSA newsletter: If you have not signed up for the PTSA newsletter yet, please click the link to get the weekly newsletters. PTSA Newsletter
School Forms
Most School Forms can be filled out online and/or you can send directly to our Attendance Specialist, Ms. Brennan Various languages are available and paper forms can be printed for you in the McClure Main Office if that works better for you.
Click this link to access the forms Back to School Forms. Please contact us if you need assistance.
McClure Swag
McClure swag on sale through September 15th! Purchase McClure Swag
We distributed district-issued laptops to all students. We will not be providing laptop cases this year. If possible, provide a laptop case for your student – unique designs or colors are great. Please note: There is no laptop device fee this year. The policy has changed since my back-to-school letter in August. There is not a $25.00 laptop fee this year. Laptop sizes are approximately 12” x 8”. Previous cases used were about 14” x 10.”
No Energy Drinks at McClure
Last year at McClure we saw an increase in energy drink consumption at school. Students are not allowed to bring energy drinks into the building as they can have harmful effects and are not recommended for children and adolescents (see below). Thank you for your support with this.
Here are the reasons we do not allow energy drinks in the building:
Possible side effects of over consumption of energy drinks include difficulty sleeping, increased anxiety, release of stress hormones, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, and elevated heart rate as well as headaches and migraines. These effects are compounded in young people using these products. Most energy drinks are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not recommended for anyone under the age of 18 or for people with certain health conditions. The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends that kids and teens avoid energy drinks due to negative effects on sleep cycle, brain development and changes in heart rate.”
No Cellphones at McClure
We have updated our cellphone policy this year to align more closely with other middle schools in Seattle. Students are expected to place their smart watches, cellphones, earbuds, and other electronic devices in their lockers for the entire day. Electronic devices should be out of sight once students enter the building starting at 8:35 am until 3:45 pm at the end of the school day.
Supply Fee Links (see previous family letter for details)
- Supply Fee 2024-25 $35
- ASB Discount Bundle 2024-2025 Yearbook & Card $55
- Yearbook Only – 2024-2025 $35
- ASB Activity Card ONLY 2024-2025 $30
Fall Sports Info
Co-ed Ultimate Frisbee season is here! All tryouts and practices are at Big Howe/West Queen Anne Playfield outside McClure right after school. Every player must be registered in FinalForms and submit a physician-signed physical to participate. See the McClure Athletics webpage for registration details.
We plan to have two teams: a 6th-7th grade team (Gold) and a 7th-8th grade team (Black).
Important Dates
Tues 9/10: Meet and greet/info session in the gym (3:45-4:15)
Mon 9/16: 6th grade tryout (3:45-5:15)
Wed 9/18: 7th grade tryout (2:30-4:00)
Fri 9/20: 8th grade tryout (3:45-5:15)
Sat/Sun 9/21-9/22: Preliminary team assignments
Mon 9/23: Gold Team (3:45-5:15)
Wed 9/25: All players (2:30-4:00)
Fri 9/27: Black Team (3:45-5:15)
Sat 9/28: First game for both teams
Mondays and Wednesdays through mid-November: Gold Team practices
Wednesdays and Fridays through mid-November: Black Team practices
Saturdays through mid-November: Both teams play games against other middle schools.
Cindy Harper and Tamara Convertino are the McClure Ultimate Coaches
McClure Staff 2024-2025

Thank you!
Ann Jennings / Interim Principal