Family Newsletter 4/1/2024

Family Newsletter 4/1/2024
Hello Maverick Nation!
I hope your family has an amazing Spring Break! Only nine weeks left when we return so let’s gear up for a fantastic final stretch of this school year!
News items:
Spring Paper Drive Contest Now thru May 10th!
Spring Paper Drive Contest is on! The grade level to raise the most money for our Spring Paper Drive will win Otter Pops for their entire grade level! We know it’s hard to lug in cases or even reams of paper. The cost of a case of paper from the district warehouse is $38. We will happily take any donation your family can comfortably afford. When you place your donation, you will also be asked to mark the grade level for your student so they earn credit towards the contest. Go MAVS and thanks for supporting your school!
Covid Guidelines – New CDC Guidelines!
The school district has developed new guidelines that align with the CDC’s Covid guidelines. The short story is the guidelines are not as stringent as we have known them to be. Students who are ill should return to school when symptoms are getting better overall and they have been fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours. Please review the information on the Respiratory Illness Response Page.
8th Grade End of Year Fun!
Okay 8th grade families – it’s time to start planning for your 8th graders to celebrate their departure from middle school. (Don’t oversell this at home. We still need them to focus for 3 ½ more months!)
Here are the detes:
- 8th grade Beach Day will be Tuesday, June 18th. We will have permission slips coming out in the months to come. We are asking you to volunteer if you are able and also to provide some food…more of this to come. It is a super fun, chill, and easy field trip. The kids just play, eat, and sign yearbooks. It’s magical!
- 8th Grade Celebration will be Wednesday, June 12th 5:30-6:30. Most middle schools (at least in the northend) have stopped having formal, stuffy promotion ceremonies. We instead have switched to a more kid-friendly celebration which involves a student parade around the school (by advisory) and meeting up in the field for refreshments and merriment 😊…and there’s a balloon arch!
State Testing (SBA) Spring, 2024
McClure’s spring state testing will occur on the following dates:
- Mon, April 22 through Tues, May 7 = block days on Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri (with 6 periods on Wed still)
ELA SBA Testing during class – All grades.
- Periods 1/3/5: April 22nd, 25th, 29th
- Periods 2/4/6: April 23rd, 26th 30th
Math SBA Testing during class – All grades.
- Periods 1/3/5: May 2nd, 6th
- Periods 2/4/6: May 3rd, 7th
Science WCAS Testing during class – 8th grade only.
- Periods 1/3/5: May 30th
- Periods 2/4/6: May 31st
- May 9-10 will be 6-period days to give the school a break!!
- Tests will be given in their ELA, Math, & Science Classes.
- There will be make up days if students are absent or do not finish.
- Each student will have two tests in Math, two tests in ELA (and one test in Science if he/she/they is in 8th grade).
Special Education Schedule: Students with an IEP may test on different dates to allow for accommodations and supports such as one on one or small group setting, etc.
- Check with your child’s case manager if you have questions.
- Learn more about Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA)
- Learn more about Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS)
Tools for testing success
- Students need to be in class on time on their scheduled testing dates.
- Students should be well rested and eat a healthy breakfast.
- Have a positive attitude about the test. They have prepared all year to learn the grade level standards that are on the test; they are ready!!
- Have laptops charged the night before and have your McClure student Bring Their Charger!!
Join the PTSA! (You’ll be so glad you did!!)
Please join the PTSA! It’s a fun and easy way to connect with your McClure community and contribute to the school. Please click on the link and join as an individual or family. Join McClure PTSA
That’s it for now!
Go Mavs!
Principal Shannon Conner
McClure Middle School