McClure Middle School

Middle School

Family Newsletter 2/10/25

Hello Maverick Nation!

McClure Campus – reminder

McClure is a closed campus. If students ride the school bus to McClure they are considered “at school” and should report directly to the building after getting off the bus. Please speak to your student to remind them that they should not go off campus to local stores for snacks once they’ve arrived at McClure or when they are getting on the bus after school. We prioritize student safety but cannot ensure their safety if they leave campus.

SPS School Levies

Voting is February 11, 2025. Two levies are on the ballot which replace expiring levies previously approved by Seattle residents. Please learn more here:  SPS Educational and Building Capital Levies

Spirit Week

  • Monday – twin day (wear your staff shirt if you don’t have a twin)
  • Tuesday – dress as an elder
  • Wednesday – dress fancy
  • Thursday – PJ day
  • Friday – Valentine’s theme

Upcoming Events

Feb 12   UW Forefront Suicide Prevention training, 6:00 pm virtual

Feb 14    McClure School Dance!

McClure Caregiver LEARN training by Forefront Feb 12th

McClure will also be hosting a Caregiver LEARN training by Forefront on February 12 at 6:00 (details forthcoming). Forefront Suicide Prevention is a Center of Excellence at the University of Washington whose mission is to help people take action to prevent suicide in their communities. For more information, visit :

If you have individual questions or concerns, please contact: Leslie Collings Counselor at

Breakfast and Lunch at school: Breakfast and lunch will be served at no cost to those students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals. More information about SPS Culinary Services can be found here: SPS Culinary Services meal information. Families must complete the free meal application every school year and will be responsible for the cost of meals provided to a student prior to the establishment of free or reduced-price eligibility:

Weekend Food Program

Free weekend food program for students through the Ballard Food Bank? Weekly bags include 3 dinners, 2 lunches, 2 breakfasts, and snacks. Food bags are placed in student lockers on Thursdays or Fridays and taken home by students (or can be picked up by parent/guardian). If you are interested or have any questions about this program or other food resources please respond to this message or send an email to

PTSA News:

McClure Dinner and Auction

The McClure “Sparkles & Spurs” dinner and auction takes place on Friday, March 21, at MOHAI. We’re looking forward to a fun evening, bringing the McClure community together and raising funds for essential educational programs, student engagement and enrichment activities, and much needed facility upgrades.

Donate to the Auction: Questions? Please reach out to

Attend the Auction: Purchase McClure Auction Tickets.

Join the PTSA!

I encourage you to take a moment to join the PTSA. By becoming a member, you actively support the McClure community and foster connections with other parents, teachers, and students. Together, we can cultivate a welcoming and supportive network that benefits everyone involved. Your participation truly makes an impact.

Join the PTSA today: Join the PTSA today