Family Newsletter 1/13/25

Family Newsletter 1/13/25
Hello Maverick Nation!
Happy 2025! We are off to a good start in school and are looking forward to upcoming events and happenings. As always please feel free to reach out with questions.
Upcoming Events in January
15 – Suicide prevention lessons for 6th & 8th grade students (see below)
16 – McClure Open House for incoming (2025-2026) 6th grade students
20 – MLK Jr. Day, no school
22 – RET evening event (see below)
27 – Living Voices performance, Through the eyes of a friend. All grades
29 – Suicide prevention lessons for 7th grade students
Suicide Prevention Lessons
Representative from Teen Link will be presenting information in science classes on how to support their peers to prevent suicide. The content includes identifying warning signs, how to respond by talking to their peers and linking peers to trusted, appropriate adults or resources. Presentations will take place in science classes on January 15th for 6th and 8th grade students and on January 29th for 7th grade students.
Families are the primary influence in a child’s life and are their most important educators. Learn more about talking with your child about suicide and mental health, and to access resources.
McClure will also be hosting a Caregiver LEARN training by Forefront on February 12 at 6:00 (details forthcoming). Forefront Suicide Prevention is a Center of Excellence at the University of Washington whose mission is to help people take action to prevent suicide in their communities. For more information, visit the Forefront Website.
If you have individual questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact school support staff (counselor, nurse, social worker).
Leslie Collings Counselor, McClure Middle School 6th A-M, All 7th
Katie Pillers Counselor, McClure Middle School 6th N-Z, All 8th
AVID Food Drive
McClure’s AVID class is hosting a food drive on January 13-24, for Northwest Harvest. Our school goal is to collect 2,000 non-perishable items. Students should bring their non-perishable items to their Advisory classes. The competition is advisory and grade level. We will take any non-perishable items some suggested items are listed below:
General food items: Canned protein (tuna, chicken, beans)· Peanut butter (plastic jars are preferred)· Canned fruit (low sugar)· Canned vegetables (low sodium)· Rice (white or brown)· Whole grain pastas· Boxed or canned meals with low salt, sugar, and saturated fats· Shelf-stable milk or dairy alternatives
Infant and baby foods: Baby formula or canned milk· Baby food· Infant cereal· baby diapers.
Race and Equity Team Event
Are you concerned with your student’s screentime and mental health? Come join McClure’s Racial Equity Team and the McClure community to share, discuss, and learn about how to support your student regarding screentime and mental health. More details to come.
We are gathering on Wednesday, January 22nd from 6:00-7:30pm in the cafeteria.
Join the PTSA!
I encourage you to take a moment to join the PTSA. By becoming a member, you actively support the McClure community and foster connections with other parents, teachers, and students. Together, we can cultivate a welcoming and supportive network that benefits everyone involved. Your participation truly makes an impact.
Have a great week. Go Mavs!
Ann Jennings, Interim Principal