McClure Middle School

Middle School

Advanced Learning Resources

Advanced Learning Resources and Opportunities

American Psychological Association Center for Psychology in Schools and Education (CPSE)

The Center for Psychology in Schools and Education (CPSE) promotes the high quality application of psychological science to programs and policies for schools and K-12 education. The office serves as a liaison both within American Psychological Association (APA) Schools and Education and with national educational and scientific societies, federal agencies, and the general public concerning the education and development of children and adolescents.

AP – Advanced Placement

Offering more than 30 subjects, the College Board’s Advanced Placement program enables students to pursue college-level studies — with the opportunity to earn college credit, advanced placement or both — while still in high school.

Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary

The Center for Gifted Education (CFGE) is a research and development center providing services to educators, policy makers, graduate students, researchers, and parents in support of the needs of gifted and talented individuals.

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT®)

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) measures students’ learned reasoning abilities in the three areas most linked to academic success in school: Verbal, Quantitative and Nonverbal. Although its primary goal is to assess students’ reasoning abilities, CogAT can also provide predicted achievement scores when administered with The Iowa Tests.

Columbia University Summer Programs for High School Students

Rigorous Columbia University Summer Program for High School Students summer pre-college academic programs for students entering grades 9 through 12 and freshman year of college. Learn about our summer residential programs in New York City, Barcelona, and the Middle East.

Davidson Institute

Davidson Institute mission is to recognize, nurture and support profoundly intelligent young people and to provide opportunities for them to develop their talents to make a positive difference.

George Washington University Pre-College Program

The George Washington University Pre-College Program provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity to explore your academic interests at a top research university. Our challenging credit and non-credit courses are enriched by the intellectual and cultural resources of Washington DC and taught by GW faculty and field experts. Immerse yourself in the dynamic culture of this international city and explore its beautiful monuments, historic and national landmarks, and world-renowned museums.

Harvard University High School Summer Program

You enroll in Harvard courses, studying alongside college and adult students at Harvard Summer High School. Explore subjects not available at your high school and earn college credit. You learn from distinguished faculty and use the largest university library system in the world.

Institute for Research and Policy on Acceleration

The Institute for Research and Policy on Acceleration (IRPA) is dedicated to the study of curricular acceleration for academically talented children.

International Baccalaureate Organization

Founded in 1968, the International Baccalaureate® (IB) is a non-profit educational foundation offering four highly respected programmes of international education that develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills needed to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world. The IB has a hard-earned reputation for high standards of teaching, pedagogical leadership and student achievement. We work with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

Iowa Testing Programs (ITP)

Iowa Testing Programs (ITP) is a research, development, and outreach unit in the College of Education at the University of Iowa.

Iowa Tests of Basic Skills® (ITBS®)

Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS). Leveraging over 80 years of research, the ITBS provides educators with Measurement You Can Trust, backed by Innovation You Can Use.” The Iowa Tests offer educators a diagnostic look at how their students are progressing in key academic areas, and offers diagnostic data that can be used to create intervention groups and to drive curricular decisions.

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is a private, independent foundation established by Jack Kent Cooke to help exceptionally promising students reach their full potential through education. Launched in 2000, the Foundation focuses in particular on students with financial need. The Foundation’s scholarship and direct service programs support the education of approximately 650 remarkable students each year, while our grantmaking allows thousands more to engage in challenging educational experiences.

Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth

The Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth identifies and develops the talents of the most advanced K-12 learners worldwide. As part of Johns Hopkins University, CTY helps fulfill the university’s mission of preparing students to make significant future contributions to our world.

Lakeside Educational Enrichment Program (LEEP)

Lakeside Educational Enrichment Program (LEEP). Most LEEP students are selected based upon recommendations from their middle school counselors. These Seattle Public School counselors know that LEEP seeks students who could use assistance in getting more out of their educational experiences. All LEEP students are able learners. They are all students who can do well in high school and in college, whether or not they have demonstrated that ability in previous academic work. Students are eligible to attend LEEP when they are in the 8th grade and will become freshmen in high school the following school year. First priority for admissions goes to students from families whose income level would prohibit their attendance, if they were required to pay.

Lakeside Summer School Programs

Lakeside Summer School Programs offer classes and camps for students entering grades 5-12. Students entering grades 5-8 are offered two-week sessions in which students choose from a variety of hands-on, project-based classes. Afternoons are spent building friendships and being active. Students entering grades 9–12 can register for a wide variety of courses including classes that earn up to a year of credit, SAT Prep, college essay writing, and service learning weeks.

MOHAI – Museum of History & Industry

Museum of History and Industry MOHAI believes that the preservation and exploration of Seattle’s past is essential to making effective decisions for its future. From humble beginnings in 1911, MOHAI has grown into the largest private heritage organization in the State of Washington with a collection of over 4 million objects, documents, and photographs from the Puget Sound region’s past. MOHAI uses these artifacts along with cutting edge, hands-on interactive experiences to make history come alive through the unforgettable stories of the men and women who built Seattle from wilderness to world city. In addition to museum exhibits, MOHAI hosts a variety of award-winning youth and adult public programs and consistently collaborates with community partners on local events and activities.

Museum of Flight, ACE – Aerospace Camp Experience

The Aerospace Camp Experience (ACE) has exciting programs and activities, caring and knowledgeable staff, and a world-class museum to explore. Only with The Museum of Flight can campers launch rockets, create aircraft, experience microgravity, build robots, and pilot actual airplanes. If you have an inquiring mind and want to have fun this summer exploring aviation and aerospace, ACE is the camp for you.

National Association for Gifted Children

The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) is an organization of parents, teachers, educators, other professionals, and community leaders who unite to address the unique needs of children and youth with demonstrated gifts and talents as well as those children who may be able to develop their talent potential with appropriate educational experiences.

National Research Center for the Gifted and Talented at the University of Connecticut

National Research Center for the Gifted and Talented. Focusing on meeting the needs of gifted and talented youth emphasizing studies related to creativity, assessment, identification, programming, and evaluation.

Northwest Gifted Child Association

The Northwest Gifted Child Association (NWGCA) is a support and advocacy organization for parents of gifted children. Organized in 1963 (20 years before the state legislature provided grant money to school districts for gifted education programs), NWGCA provides support and information to parents of gifted children. It continues to help parents enhance and hone their parenting skills. It gives them tools to speak out for an appropriate gifted education and deal with this learning difference we call giftedness.

Quest Bridge

QuestBridge aims to create a singular place where exceptionally talented low-income students can navigate educational and life opportunities. QuestBridge recruits, develops, and supports motivated low-income students – beginning in high school through college to their first job – to be successful at America’s best colleges, graduate schools, and companies.

Scholarships for Gifted Students

In recognition of their extraordinary achievements in their chosen area of talent or giftedness, many organizations and universities have established scholarships for gifted students to enrich their learning experiences in post-secondary education.

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted

SENG’s mission is to empower families and communities to guide gifted and talented individuals to reach their goals: intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

Stanford University Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program

Stanford University Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program. The program is an eight-week program in which high school students from diverse backgrounds are invited to perform basic research with Stanford faculty, postdoctoral fellows, students and researchers on a medically-oriented project. The goals of the program include increasing interest in biological sciences and medicine in high school students, helping students to understand how scientific research is performed, and increasing diversity of students and researchers in the sciences.

Stanford University Mathematics Camp

Stanford University Mathematics Camp SUMaC is designed for current high school tenth and eleventh graders (students who will be in eleventh or twelfth grade in Fall 2013) who have exceptional interest and ability in mathematics. SUMaC is for those who seek to be challenged in mathematics and those who would enjoy four weeks of intensive, in-depth, mathematical pursuits. SUMaC provides an environment that fosters social and intellectual development centered on the study and enjoyment of mathematics. Financial Aid is available.

Stanford University Summer School Programs

The Stanford University Summer Institutes are two-to-four-week residential programs for academically talented and motivated middle and high-school students. The Summer Institutes provide an opportunity for these students to pursue their intellectual curiosity and meet others who share their interests and abilities. Participants are enrolled in a single intensive-study course, taught by a Stanford instructor, and covering topics not typically presented at their grade level.

Summer Institute for the Gifted

Summer Institute for the Gifted. College based 3-week residential summer programs for students ages 9-18 at various universities around the United States. Colleges include Amherst, Bryn Mawr, Emory, Princeton, UC Berkeley, U of Chicago, UCLA, UT Austin, Vassar, & Yale.

Unwrapping the Gifted

Education Week Teacher Blog on gifted education and gifted students.

U.S. Department of Education, Education Resource Organizations Directory

Organizations that provide information or assistance related to gifted children.

UW Academy for Young Scholars

UW Academy. The UW Academy, created in 2001 in partnership with the University of Washington Honors Program, is an early university admission opportunity for 10th grade students in Washington State. Every year, a small cohort of up to thirty-five academically advanced and highly-motivated students are admitted to the UW Academy. Students apply to the program during their 10th grade year, and if accepted, withdraw from high school at the end of 10th grade to enroll as freshmen at the University of Washington. At the Robinson Center, UW Academy students find a community of like-minded peers and an experienced staff who can help them to make the most of their time at the UW.

UW Botanic Gardens (Arboretum) Summer Camps

UW Botanic Gardens (Arboretum) Summer Camps. Come join us for a week (or more!) of fun and educational adventures in our 230 acre outdoor classroom located in the heart of Seattle. Our day-camp curriculums are designed in support of our mission: to promote environmental conservation through education and recreation. To achieve this we focus on hands-on exploration, play and experiential learning.

UW College of Engineering Mathematics Academy

UW College of Engineering Mathematics Academy. Math Academy is an intensive, four-week residential session held on the Seattle UW Campus in summer. Students engage in coursework created by UW math faculty and designed to develop the skills necessary to meet the high standards of college-level math and engineering. Students also have enrichment opportunities to explore the range of career opportunities available to engineers through lab tours, research projects, site visits and networking events. The Mathematics Academy accepts current juniors with a minimum 3.0 GPA who will complete pre-calculus by the end of their junior year. The Math Academy program is FREE for student participants

UW Early Entrance Program

The Early Entrance Program is a two-step program for middle school students consisting of one year of Transition School, an intensive college preparatory program taught at the Robinson Center, and subsequent full-time enrollment at the University of Washington, typically beginning with one or more courses during the Transition School year.

UW Genomics Workshops for High School Students

The UW Genomics Workshops for High School Students Project (GenOM) provides programs for high school students and incoming Freshmen to explore their interests and advance their studies in genomics. Genomics workshops offer high school students an introduction to genomics, and the ALVA summer research program is an opportunity for incoming Freshmen at the University of Washington to probe deeper into this cutting-edge science.

UW Jacobsen Observatory

From April to October the Theodor Jacobsen Observatory is open to the public free of charge on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings of each month. Built in 1895, the Observatory with its 120-year old, 6-inch refracting telescope is still offering celestial views of the wonders of the Universe. Here you will find information on opened nights, making reservations, a history of the telescope, a history of astronomy at the UW, and even an operating manual for the telescope. Come join us in a tour; there is no charge to learn about and view the night sky.

UW Materials Science Summer Day Camp

ASM Materials Camp allows high school students to experience the exciting field of material science in a hands on way. Students have access to high-tech equipment and professional mentors to help them tackle real problems facing the field today. Hands on Material Science Look at how materials perform by bending, stretching, and crushing them until they break. See how different materials are made and how they are formed into the things we use every day. Working with “Materials Mentors” Materials Mentors are practicing engineers from local companies. Small groups of four to five students will team up with a Mentor and work on projects at the UW Materials Science & Engineering department and at the research facilities of the Mentor’s company.

UW Saturday Enrichment Programs

The UW Saturday Enrichment Program is an enrichment program offered by the Robinson Center for Young Scholars for students currently in grades K-8. These classes are intended to provide intellectually ambitious students with challenge, inspiration, and fun, in a collaborative, supportive learning environment. Our classes are not intended to move students ahead in the standard curriculum but rather to explore topics not usually covered in the K-8 classroom. Classes meet for one or two hours per week, for eight sessions each quarter; we do not run Saturday Program in the summer. Classes are held on the UW Campus, in Gould Hall. We offer substantial financial aid to families on Free/Reduced Lunch.

UW Summer Academic Programs

The UW Robinson Center’s Summer Program provides an intensive, inspirational and in-depth learning experience for students who are ready and prepared to take on the challenge. We offer a rich variety of math, science, literature, philosophy, and writing classes. Class size is small, with a faculty who are experienced teachers and specialists in their fields. Summer Challenge, for 5th and 6th graders, emphasizes hands-on learning, field trips and activities; Summer Stretch, for 7th-10th graders, is more academic in nature, providing an accelerated, rigorous learning experience. Both programs are characterized by high-level thinking, intellectual adventure, and pursuit of understanding.

UW Summer Institute for Mathematics

The UW Summer Institute for Mathematics Program includes six intensive two-week courses taught by university professors on topics that change from year to year. In the past, students have studied methods of argument, combinatorics, hyperbolic geometry, game theory, group theory, coding theory, and much more. In addition, there are twelve guest lectures on a wide variety of subjects and in many different formats, allowing students to glimpse even more mathematical areas as well as participate in hands-on mathematical activities. When not in class, students work on problems in groups or individually, have mathematical discussions with the Teaching Assistant Counselors, and participate in social events, sports, and weekly Saturday outings. They develop many new interests and close friendships, the end of the program coming way too soon. The cost of room, board, participation in all program activities, and a travel allowance for admitted participants is covered by the generous funding of anonymous donors.

UW Summer Youth Programs

UW day camps for kids in elementary, middle, and high school. Camps for robotics, computer programming, architecture, writing, etc.

Washington Association of Educators of the Talented and Gifted (WAETG)

Washington Association of Educators of the Talented and Gifted

Washington Coalition for Gifted Education

Washington Coalition for Gifted Education. Mission: To work collaboratively with key state governmental decision makers on issues related to the education of highly capable students, their families, and their schools.

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Washington State Regulations for Highly Capable Students

Special Service Program – Highly Capable Students

Washington STEM

Washington STEM advances excellence, equity, and innovation in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education.

World Council for Gifted and Talented Children

The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, Inc. (WCGTC) is a worldwide non-profit organization that provides advocacy and support for gifted children. The WCGTC is a diverse organization networking the globe with an active membership of educators, scholars, researchers, parents and others interested in the development and education of gifted and talented children of all ages.