McClure Middle School

Middle School


Attendance Office


Attendance Procedures and Information

Please email the attendance office to alert us of your child’s absence as soon as possible. Include your child’s name and the reason for the absence.

  • Absences or tardiness must be cleared/excused within two school days (2 days) of the absence with a phone call, signed written note, e-mail or fax from a parent or guardian.
  • Advance notice is preferred for early dismissal of students. The parent(s) must present proper identification (drivers license, etc.); if another individual is picking up the student, that person must be listed as a contact in our database and must also have proper identification. The students’ safety is our first concern.
  • If a student is more than 10 minutes late to any class period, they will be marked ABSENT.
  • A student’s grade may be affected by absences.

Bell Schedules

Daily Schedules